Archive for 2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015 0

ma, kangen..

By Venty Indah Utami

Sekali-kali mau post yang serius sedikit, yg ngga selfish. Tentang seseorang yang irreplaceable. Tentang seseorang yang berapa kali dituliskan pun tak akan pernah cukup.


She's beautiful, aight?

Udah berapa lama terakhir kali ketemu mama, pas mama nyamperin ke Jogja abis dari tempat papa. Sejujurnya aku bukan tipe orang yang super lengket sama mamanya, yang apa-apa cerita ke mama, yang super deket sama mamanya.
Kuliah jauh beda pulau begini aja, jarang banget teleponan sama mama. Bahkan seminggu sekali aja kadang enggak. Walau hampir tiap hari line-an atau whatsapp-an, itu pun juga cuma beberapa kali aja dalam sekali message-an.

Sunday, November 22, 2015 0

happy (late) 365!

By Venty Indah Utami

It is nice to have someone who loves your flaws, and loves you for whatever you are.

It has been days since we celebrated our first anniversary, and I don't bother to write anything because lately I have been not really feel like writing. And it is okay.
I just want to be grateful, once again, for all the smooth ways to this 365 days.
For everything.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015 0

new stage of life

By Venty Indah Utami

Hello, there.

It has been such a long time since the last time I wrote here. Honestly, life goes quite tough these days and I have been having many ups and downs. But cool, I have been through this, and now I am facing a new stage of life.

So, now I am officially a Master student! Hehe.
Yes, mungkin ngga sekeren temen-temen lain yang bisa lanjut ke luar negeri, cuma it is still one of my achievements to go into the best university in Indonesia; Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta.
Di sini, aku ambil International Postgraduate Program.
Hopefully, dari sini bisa lanjut ke langkah yang lebih tinggi dan bahkan bisa sampai study abroad.
One step closer.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 0

welcome to the reality!

By Venty Indah Utami

Being inspired by one of the articles in Hipwee, I write this post. Not having any other intentions, just wanna share what is inside of my mind.

Here is the article, but unfortunately it is in Bahasa so if you use another language please kindly translate it using Google Translate or whatever methods you consider useful.

The moment I read this article, I was just like, "Damn, it's freaking right. It is so me." Typically the moment when you are getting hit in your head and suddenly your consciousness is awoken.

Thursday, July 30, 2015 0

a letter for You

By Venty Indah Utami

Dear You,

Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi keputusan seseorang dalam hidup. There is a saying, everything happens for a reason. Tidak ada pohon yang tumbuh tanpa akar; akan selalu ada alasan di balik perilaku seseorang.

And now, for some reasons;
I am afraid.
I am afraid of being a grown-up.
Semakin dewasa, semakin banyak kenyataan yang saya hadapi. Kenyataan yang pahit. Kenyataan yang ternyata berbanding terbalik dengan sinetron-sinetron yang saya tonton semasa kecil.
Life is cruel.
So what should we do? Be crueler?

Monday, July 20, 2015 0


By Venty Indah Utami

Recently, I have been in a very deep thought about myself frequently. What I want to do, what I really want to pursue, what should I achieve in the near future.

Actually this is not a new thing. I always question myself about what I really want to do and what goal should I set up as my lifetime achievement.
But nowadays I found myself being convinced to think about it over and over. It has been almost a year since I graduated but I still feel confusion about what I truly am.

Friday, July 17, 2015 0

Eid Mubarak!

By Venty Indah Utami

Hello, happy Eid everyone!

As a moslem, I have to admit that I am really sad to leave Ramadhan. Ramadhan has been a very precious month, for all moslems in the world and me. Ramadhan makes me being grateful for everything; for all the hungers, thirsts, and togetherness.


Saturday, July 11, 2015 0

till we meet again, A.

By Venty Indah Utami

Jogjakarta, 12 Juli 2015
10:00 AM

Seems like I'll never get used with a separation. 
Seems like I'll never get used with a good bye in airport. 
Seems like I'll never get used with distances.

Thank you for this week, A.
Till we meet again.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 0


By Venty Indah Utami

Q: What is the meaning of sweet for you?

A: This.

Something sweet doesn't have to be much.
A simple thing but real is better than much but drama.

Monday, June 1, 2015 0

magic word to myself

By Venty Indah Utami

Every time I am got so tired, devastated, and exhausted in pursuing my dream, I always tell my self this.

'Hey, this too, shall pass.
Being a winner is not easy. It needs more than a miracle to achieve it.
And it is called, hard work.

Hey, it is okay to be tired.
It means you are fighting over something. And you should be proud.
That you are trying your best.
That you understand what you are up to.

Monday, May 25, 2015 1

lifetime experience: being a beswan djarum!

By Venty Indah Utami

Okay, aku mau share hal yang normal dulu kali ini setelah postingan-postingan alay gaje sebelum-sebelumnya. Semoga info kali ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman yang membutuhkan. Hehe

This time, I wanna share the perks of being a Beswan Djarum.
Jadi, waktu sekolah semester 5-6 dulu, me and nine other guys from Palembang have been selected to be one of the Beswan Djarum. We joined other 500 from different cities, universities, and cultures from whole around Indonesia.

Maybe some of you have already been familiar with Beswan Djarum, and maybe some of you not.
So, where should I start?

Sunday, May 24, 2015 0

confessions of a twenty-something drama queen (?)

By Venty Indah Utami

Kata orang-orang, usia yang paling menyeramkan adalah twenty-something.

Twenty-something is the most powerful age; it can determine what and who you will be later on.

On that age, you are still clueless about what is going on in your life. 
You have no direction, you are confused with the sudden change on your life. 
You are not a teenager anymore, yet you haven't been a true adult. 
You are still considered as a child to choose something for yourself, yet you have been too old to make any mistake. 
You have understood what is the meaning of love, you are getting yourself ready for an advanced relationship, yet you still have lots of doubts. 
You have lots of dreams, but you don't know where is the best to start.

Confusing, eh?

Friday, May 1, 2015 0

random post (again)

By Venty Indah Utami

Oke, jadi malem ini aku cuma pengen cerita random.

Been searching through my wardrobe and I find looooots of things. Each of them reminds me of something. Something good.
And all of them bring back all the memories.

FYI, I have moved for like five times due to my father's job. And it required me to move to some towns and some schools too. I have moved from Padang, Pekalongan, Demak, Cilacap, and finally back to Palembang, my very own hometown.
But honestly a place that gives me most memories is Cilacap. Haha surprisingly it is not Palembang, but it is Cilacap. Somewhere in Central Java, well-known by its Nusakambangan.

Monday, January 19, 2015 0

senin malam ini.

By Venty Indah Utami

Palembang, 19 Januari 2015

Senin malam ini, mungkin hanyalah Senin-Senin biasa bagi kebanyakan orang. Hari dimana minggu yang sibuk dimulai, dimana rutinitas yang melelahkan dimulai.

Tapi bagi saya, Senin malam ini berbeda.
Senin malam ini, memiliki pahit dan manisnya sendiri.

Manisnya, karena saya melihat dua hal yang sangat tidak pernah saya bayangkan sebelumnya. Kamu dan Palembang. Tapi malam ini, kamu dan Palembang disejajarkan. Dan saya bahagia.
Lebih dari sekedar bahagia.
Ampera malam ini sama seperti malam-malam sebelumnya, dan akan selalu sama dengan malam-malam berikutnya.
Tapi malam berikutnya mungkin tidak ada kamu lagi di samping saya seperti malam ini.

Thursday, January 1, 2015 0

sesederhana itu.

By Venty Indah Utami

Palembang, 1 Januari 2015

Ditulis di sela-sela tidak berkomunikasi dengan kamu karena kesibukan masing-masing dan belum tidur seharian

Terkadang, kamu bisa mengetahui bahwa ada seseorang yang menyayangi kamu dengan begitu mudah.
Sesederhana itu.
Semudah menarik selimut di malam hujan yang dingin secara naluriah. Sesimpel kamu makan ketika lapar, dan tidur ketika mengantuk.
You just know.
Bahkan tidak perlu jarak sedekat nadi untuk mengetahinya karena kamu bisa merasakannya walau ada jarak sejauh matahari ke bumi.
Even when you have 869,92 miles to conquer of.

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