Sekali-kali mau post yang serius sedikit, yg ngga selfish. Tentang seseorang yang irreplaceable. Tentang seseorang yang berapa kali dituliskan pun tak akan pernah cukup.
Archive for 2015
ma, kangen..
By Venty Indah Utami

happy (late) 365!
By Venty Indah UtamiIt is nice to have someone who loves your flaws, and loves you for whatever you are.
For everything.

new stage of life
By Venty Indah UtamiHello, there.

welcome to the reality!
By Venty Indah UtamiBeing inspired by one of the articles in Hipwee, I write this post. Not having any other intentions, just wanna share what is inside of my mind.

a letter for You
By Venty Indah Utami

By Venty Indah UtamiRecently, I have been in a very deep thought about myself frequently. What I want to do, what I really want to pursue, what should I achieve in the near future.

Eid Mubarak!
By Venty Indah UtamiHello, happy Eid everyone!

till we meet again, A.
By Venty Indah Utami10:00 AM

magic word to myself
By Venty Indah Utami

lifetime experience: being a beswan djarum!
By Venty Indah UtamiOkay, aku mau share hal yang normal dulu kali ini setelah postingan-postingan alay gaje sebelum-sebelumnya. Semoga info kali ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman yang membutuhkan. Hehe

confessions of a twenty-something drama queen (?)
By Venty Indah UtamiKata orang-orang, usia yang paling menyeramkan adalah twenty-something.
On that age, you are still clueless about what is going on in your life.
You have no direction, you are confused with the sudden change on your life.
You are not a teenager anymore, yet you haven't been a true adult.
You are still considered as a child to choose something for yourself, yet you have been too old to make any mistake.
You have understood what is the meaning of love, you are getting yourself ready for an advanced relationship, yet you still have lots of doubts.
You have lots of dreams, but you don't know where is the best to start.

random post (again)
By Venty Indah UtamiOke, jadi malem ini aku cuma pengen cerita random.

senin malam ini.
By Venty Indah Utami

sesederhana itu.
By Venty Indah UtamiPalembang, 1 Januari 2015