Monday, June 1, 2015 0

magic word to myself

By Venty Indah Utami

Every time I am got so tired, devastated, and exhausted in pursuing my dream, I always tell my self this.

'Hey, this too, shall pass.
Being a winner is not easy. It needs more than a miracle to achieve it.
And it is called, hard work.

Hey, it is okay to be tired.
It means you are fighting over something. And you should be proud.
That you are trying your best.
That you understand what you are up to.

The winner never quits, and the quitter never wins.

Hey, life is tough; so be tougher.
Create a big dream, thus do bigger.
It is okay to fall. Just remember.
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Do not let anything let you down. Cause nothing can break you if you do not give it right to.
Let problem makes you not breaks you.'

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