Archive for May 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015 1

lifetime experience: being a beswan djarum!

By Venty Indah Utami

Okay, aku mau share hal yang normal dulu kali ini setelah postingan-postingan alay gaje sebelum-sebelumnya. Semoga info kali ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman yang membutuhkan. Hehe

This time, I wanna share the perks of being a Beswan Djarum.
Jadi, waktu sekolah semester 5-6 dulu, me and nine other guys from Palembang have been selected to be one of the Beswan Djarum. We joined other 500 from different cities, universities, and cultures from whole around Indonesia.

Maybe some of you have already been familiar with Beswan Djarum, and maybe some of you not.
So, where should I start?

Sunday, May 24, 2015 0

confessions of a twenty-something drama queen (?)

By Venty Indah Utami

Kata orang-orang, usia yang paling menyeramkan adalah twenty-something.

Twenty-something is the most powerful age; it can determine what and who you will be later on.

On that age, you are still clueless about what is going on in your life. 
You have no direction, you are confused with the sudden change on your life. 
You are not a teenager anymore, yet you haven't been a true adult. 
You are still considered as a child to choose something for yourself, yet you have been too old to make any mistake. 
You have understood what is the meaning of love, you are getting yourself ready for an advanced relationship, yet you still have lots of doubts. 
You have lots of dreams, but you don't know where is the best to start.

Confusing, eh?

Friday, May 1, 2015 0

random post (again)

By Venty Indah Utami

Oke, jadi malem ini aku cuma pengen cerita random.

Been searching through my wardrobe and I find looooots of things. Each of them reminds me of something. Something good.
And all of them bring back all the memories.

FYI, I have moved for like five times due to my father's job. And it required me to move to some towns and some schools too. I have moved from Padang, Pekalongan, Demak, Cilacap, and finally back to Palembang, my very own hometown.
But honestly a place that gives me most memories is Cilacap. Haha surprisingly it is not Palembang, but it is Cilacap. Somewhere in Central Java, well-known by its Nusakambangan.

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