Friday, May 1, 2015 0

random post (again)

By Venty Indah Utami

Oke, jadi malem ini aku cuma pengen cerita random.

Been searching through my wardrobe and I find looooots of things. Each of them reminds me of something. Something good.
And all of them bring back all the memories.

FYI, I have moved for like five times due to my father's job. And it required me to move to some towns and some schools too. I have moved from Padang, Pekalongan, Demak, Cilacap, and finally back to Palembang, my very own hometown.
But honestly a place that gives me most memories is Cilacap. Haha surprisingly it is not Palembang, but it is Cilacap. Somewhere in Central Java, well-known by its Nusakambangan.

I moved to Cilacap when I was in Junior High School. I was only on the seventh grade, and that is where my adolescence began. I know that Cilacap is only a small town, it even does not have any cinema (yes, till now) but it is the most memorable place for me. The-most, note it.

I lived there for not a long time, just three years approximately and then I moved to Palembang.
And live here, till now.

Terakhir ke sana tahun lalu setelah lima tahun ga ke sana dan cuma sehari :')

Padahal, Cilacap bukan kota kelahiran saya.
Dan saya hanya tinggal di sana sebentar.
But it offers me an irreplaceable story.
Yang akan selalu menghadirkan seutas senyum di bibir saya ketika saya mendengar namanya disebut.

Cilacap selalu menenangkan, bagi saya.
Dan malam ini saya merindukan Cilacap, setelah beberapa lama.
Kangen mendoannya, kangen bahasa ngapaknya (yang naturally sebenernya not appealing at all haha), kangen temen-temen, kangen sekolah lama, kangen semuanyaaaaa.
I wish I could turn back time.
At a time like this, I realize more that I have gone far. Time flies so fast, and I only know it when I look back.

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