When you are getting older, your circle will be getting smaller. You will find those people you would be proud to call 'best friends', and those who you would be satisfied only with 'acquaintance'. And you'll be fine with that, because you eventually understand that you do not need everyone to be your friend.
I am not trying to be ironic nor pessimistic, but the fact it really is.
When I was in school, I always found myself love to be surrounded with lots of people. I believe that having a lot of friends is a sign that you successfully earn a good point in socializing with people.
And that's why I would be really sad if I encountered such a problem in finding friends.
But as a time goes by, I face with such a reality, that even if you try hard, there will always be people who don't like you.
And no matter how hard you elaborate, those who don't like you would always find a way to drop you down.
And people who love you would always find their way to support you.
Not only with words.
They could be really mean in their words.
But they shower you with warm actions.
As I am now twenty-something, I am getting stronger on my knees.
I still love having a lot of friends, and socializing with people.
But even if they don't like me when I have already tried, I found myself not mind it anymore.
And I am proudly saying that I won't be trying so hard to make everyone likes me now.
I will always act good to anyone, but if they don't act good towards me then it's more than alright.
Yet if they welcome me, then I would welcome them more.
I appreciate this little circle.
By this way, I found that I appreciate myself more as well, because I know that I am getting wiser.