This is just my two cents, my personal perspectives and opinion (everybody is entitled to speak, aight?)
Saya paham bahwa masyarakat Indonesia memiliki nasionalisme yang besar. Masyarakat Indonesia sangat cinta dan bangga kepada Indonesia, and I am greatly sure there are lots and lots of them who are willing to die for Indonesia.
Saya pun bangga kepada nasionalisme yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Pun saya bangga dengan Indonesia. Why should I not? I was born and raised in Indonesia. I am truly and 100% Indonesian. But somehow, since the era of internet is growing rapidly nowadays, I feel like there are times when we lost our identity as a friendly and welcomed nation.
Since a very long time ago, we are widely known as one of the civilized nations. As a welcomed country to those tourists who come and mesmerized to the beauty of Indonesia; as a mother nation to all the citizens of Indonesia; and even as the Asian tiger to the neighboring countries. Kita sangat terkenal dengan penduduk yang ramah, dan bangsanya yang gemah ripah loh jinawi tata tentrem kerto raharjo. Masyarakat yang siap membantu satu sama lain, dengan sikap gotong royong dan tenggang rasa. Bangsa yang kuat, tidak mudah terpecah belah.
In relation to the current event --which is "tragedi terbalik (dan salahnya) gambar bendera Indonesia di event Sea Games 2017 di Kuala Lumpur, I am half proud and sad. Why?
I am proud, to witness that Indonesia is still well-loved by its citizens, despite of all its issue and problems.
I am proud, to know that the nationalism still be one of the greatest points which is held by Indonesians.
But yes, I am still sad.
I saw lots of hate comments and diss and fuss and all the bad words in internet, especially at the official page of Kuala Lumpur Sea Games 2017. Semua komen bermakna negatif dari masyarakat Indonesia (yang memang, saya tau bertujuan utk menunjukkan nasionalismenya). All I know is that official page of that particular event is being read by other countries as well. And I sadly think that would impact a lot to our image as a country. Where are the images of Indonesia as a welcomed and friendly nation? All the great images that are grown in years and years, through the tears and sweats, would be gone immediately --in no time.
I, personally think, that Indonesians (including me) are way too easily be provocated. Merely due to some news or certain accounts, everybody could hate someone else. They blame someone, they diss anyone else, they hate each other, and they point the finger to each other.
On the other hand, honestly, I am devastated and angry to the committee of Kuala Lumpur Sea Games 2017. Tidak hanya satu dua kesalahan atas bendera kebanggaan kita, dan bahkan juga perlakuan mereka terhadap atlet-atlet kita yang sedang ada di sana. I appreciate the apology from the Malaysian authority for their mistake. Although, I know that those apologies would not satisfy all the parties. Sebaiknya gambar bendera Indonesia yang telah salah dicantumkan bisa diperbaiki, dan yang telah salah diusahakan untuk ditarik kembali. Atau apa pun tindakan official yang bisa dilakukan untuk meminimalisasi efek negatif yang sudah ada. Whatever it is, but, I do not think that giving out the hate comments would help.
I, personally hope that my fellow Indonesians could think before typing. Likewise all the actions of Sea Games 2017's committees could 'represent' all the Malaysian citizens in our eyes, so do ours. Whatever we type and comment, could be representing our image as a civilized nation. So please, beside holding on to our nationalism principle, please do not forget our identity --as a welcomed and friendly nation to the international community, and a warm mother nation to all its citizens.