Archive for 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 0

find my reasons

By Venty Indah Utami

Hey. Long time no write.

Life has been challenging me lately, (well, when it not be?) because currently I am undergoing some ups and downs in life.
This is why life is funny. Life always has way to give its people smiles and tears. No smile without tears. And vice versa.

Early in the month, I make an accomplishment to myself. Not to anyone, because it is only between me and myself, making a deadline in life to finish my proposal in September.
I did my thesis seminar proposal in October 6, the second first (hm?) in my year. It means I am only two chapters away from ending my hell (read: thesis).
Such a great start of a month rite?

Thursday, August 18, 2016 0 By Venty Indah Utami


Being in love with you since almost two years ago is one of the best decision I have ever made, and I thank God everyday for it.

Can't wait to see you again.

Thursday, August 11, 2016 0

loving is dealing.

By Venty Indah Utami

Loving someone does not require anything --because when you fall in love, you just fall. When you fall, you cannot pick where you fall.
You. Just. Fall.
You cannot pick where you would land. With whom. In what kind of ground.
There is a reason why it is called 'fall in love'.

Being in love does not take much.
It only takes a courage, and a confidence that you are ready.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 0

a weekend to remember

By Venty Indah Utami

Hei readers!

I wish you all a nice weekend. I know, it has already been Tuesday (and even in hours it would be Wednesday) and weekend had been two days away. But a great weekend makes me unable to move on.

The thing is, last weekend I went to Surabaya because one of my best friends was getting married. She getting married is one big thing, but me being gathered with my 10 other halves is another big thing. The case is, my 9 crazy friends and I had been separated for soooooo long because we live in different cities. It needs a magical event like this to gather us all! And it could be guessed that indeed, last week we all have the best time of our lives ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2016 0

open clothes

By Venty Indah Utami

Yesterday, when I had a gathering with some of my friends, we discussed over an issue which brought us to such a great debate.

About men, women, and rape.
They pinpointed the woman in a sexy clothes as the reason of why a rape is occured.
And guess what?
I am getting really angry because of that.

Call me a feminist.
But yes, I would be very glad to be led into such a discussion with those who called women in the open clothes as an excuse to rape someone.


(almost) quarter life crisis

By Venty Indah Utami

Tonite, I am gonna write a serious post. Perhaps this post would just be a revelation for those who thought the same too.

I am just having a quarter life crisis.

Well, practically I am not twenty-five yet, but because lots of my friends already got there, it makes me think like one.

In these ages, when you are 20-s, you will be in the middle of a new crisis. Because all you face is a new problem. The problem is not simply what you would have for lunch. Not as simple as what would you do after school hours. Not a curfew. Not a homework.

But your future.

Thursday, July 7, 2016 0

Eid-l Fitr 1437H

By Venty Indah Utami

Hey, readers. Eid Mubarak!

Actually when I write this, it has already been the second day of Syawal. Yet, the euphoria of Moslem's glorious day is still obviously felt.
The time always passes by when we are having a good time, and it elaborates why Ramadhan has gone only in a blink of an eye.

Yesterday, as always I had a 'halal bihalal' with all of my families.
If you are curious with what halal bihalal is, it is a moment where your precious ones (could be families, friends, or lovers) gather in one place (usually this habit is only happened in Moslem's special days such as Eid-l Fitri and Eid-l Adha), and celebrate Eid with laughter and good food (and in this occasion the special food will be 'opor ayam').

Monday, July 4, 2016 0


By Venty Indah Utami

I know that I am probably quite mellow these days, but I need to be honest about something.

I miss a feeling; a feeling of achievement.
You know, the feeling when you feel very proud of yourself when you successfully earn something. 
I feel these days, I am only doing nothing. I live my life ordinarily, and I feel I waste too much time.
When anyone else gives their best efforts, I am only sitting here watching them pursue their way to the top.

Okay, I know that this would sound really worse, but I feel envy.
I see everyone else is doing okay on their own. They are achieving something. They have something to be proud of.
And I am here, feeling unsatisfied with myself.

Perhaps I am really full of myself, but I feel I am not good enough with what I have right now.
I shall do better.
This is what I told myself everyday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 0


By Venty Indah Utami

She knew she loved him when 'home' went from being a place to being a person.

Saturday, May 21, 2016 0 By Venty Indah Utami

"you are my home.
and I'll make sure to keep coming home."

Thursday, May 19, 2016 0

it's okay to be ashamed.

By Venty Indah Utami

Earlier, I had blogwalkings to some of my favourite bloggers (and friends). I see all the contents they had been writing, and all what happened to me is........


(yes, I should use all the caps and the bigger fonts.)

Like seriously, I feel so ashamed to compare the contents of my blog with theirs. They wrote all the beautiful things, all the things that could be an inspiration to everyone.
Meanwhile, I am still stuck here with all the negativities (since I used to write sometimes when I feel down or angry --pardon me) or random thoughts (that could be useless sometimes [or every time?]).
I feel really childish if I shall put myself beside them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016 0

the ugly truth.

By Venty Indah Utami

When you are getting older, your circle will be getting smaller. You will find those people you would be proud to call 'best friends', and those who you would be satisfied only with 'acquaintance'. And you'll be fine with that, because you eventually understand that you do not need everyone to be your friend.

I am not trying to be ironic nor pessimistic, but the fact it really is.

When I was in school, I always found myself love to be surrounded with lots of people. I believe that having a lot of friends is a sign that you successfully earn a good point in socializing with people.


growing stronger

By Venty Indah Utami

This week has been tough.

I had such a long week. A great ones, as always. But a tougher ones, this time.

I never imagine to be in this kind of situation. That was awful.
For both of us.
We underwent such a bad circumstance. And through the downhill.
Like that was the lowest point of our relationship so far.

Yet, there is always a good thing in those all bad things.

Life is fair --it's unfair to everyone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 0

happy birthday, you :)

By Venty Indah Utami

Today is his birthday. And am really sad for not being able to be with him in his special day due to some reasons.

But, today I have prepared some surprises for him even from far away. (Don't tell him yet, it's surprise :p)
And this video is one of them.

Thursday, February 4, 2016 0


By Venty Indah Utami

Time is getting by too fast. And sometimes I am worried about that.

We live our life day by day without recognising that actually every second passes by, we are getting older.

I think it is only yesterday I was being five.
Running and playing tag with some of my childhood friends, laughing like no other.
I think it is only yesterday when I turned ten.
Wondering when would I get my ID card --it's only seven years ahead.
I think it is only yesterday when I was nineteen.
Living my life with happiness like tomorrow will be the end of the world.

Friday, January 15, 2016 0

god, i am blessed.

By Venty Indah Utami

I know I should sleep now cause it is almost midnite. But I can't.

I just can't.

For me, January 15th is magical.
In this day, I suddenly realize how blessed I am, how God loves me the way I am.
What have I been done for having those best people in the world?
My family, my lover, my best friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2016 0

hey, self.

By Venty Indah Utami

Hey, self. 
Happy birthday. You are turning 23 today.

You have lived for 23 years in this amazing world, what a blessed life you have. Imagine all the good 8395 days you had (approximately, haven't counted all the leap years too), and imagine you still got countless great days ahead as well.

Wow. You are blessed.

Hey, self.
What have you done in these 23 years?
Have you done something great for yourself, your fams, your friends, and those who matter?
Have you done something that would make them grin from ear to ear whenever they hear your name and proudly say that they are parts of your life?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 0


By Venty Indah Utami

There's always be excuse for love.

Diambil dari novel Supernova karya Dee Lestari, ada satu quote yang menurutku sangat jujur dan mengena.

"Love is the best reason to compensate."

Pas baca itu, what comes to my mind is,
"Hell yeah. It is freakin true."

Saturday, January 2, 2016 0

hello, 2016!

By Venty Indah Utami

This is gonna be my first post in 2016, and even though I am late for one day since the new year eve, unfortunately this post is gonna be short.

Actually, I am still in my exam-period, and aw-shucks-this-is-sucks. Yes, I mean it.
It has been almost three weeks since I start this 'hell', and I haven't finished yet. I passed through all the euphoria of new year by memorizing all the principles, laws, and theories.
Lucky me since I still got companies for doing some crazy things together in the last hours to 2016, at least I was saved from 'gabut' in new year. Haha.

Happy new year, anyway!

Hope this year will be a great year for me and all of you (trust me, I pray wholeheartedly).
Honestly, due to all the exams and papers, I have no time to make any resolution "new-year-new-me-shit". Hahaha. I just hope everything will go smoothly, and I can live my life simply yet happily.

And yes, I hope I can still write a lot this year.

Talk to you later :)

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