Hey. Long time no write.
Archive for 2016
find my reasons
By Venty Indah Utami

Being in love with you since almost two years ago is one of the best decision I have ever made, and I thank God everyday for it.
Can't wait to see you again.

loving is dealing.
By Venty Indah Utami

a weekend to remember
By Venty Indah UtamiHei readers!
I wish you all a nice weekend. I know, it has already been Tuesday (and even in hours it would be Wednesday) and weekend had been two days away. But a great weekend makes me unable to move on.
The thing is, last weekend I went to Surabaya because one of my best friends was getting married. She getting married is one big thing, but me being gathered with my 10 other halves is another big thing. The case is, my 9 crazy friends and I had been separated for soooooo long because we live in different cities. It needs a magical event like this to gather us all! And it could be guessed that indeed, last week we all have the best time of our lives ;)

open clothes
By Venty Indah UtamiYesterday, when I had a gathering with some of my friends, we discussed over an issue which brought us to such a great debate.

(almost) quarter life crisis
By Venty Indah UtamiTonite, I am gonna write a serious post. Perhaps this post would just be a revelation for those who thought the same too.

Eid-l Fitr 1437H
By Venty Indah UtamiHey, readers. Eid Mubarak!
Yesterday, as always I had a 'halal bihalal' with all of my families.

By Venty Indah UtamiI know that I am probably quite mellow these days, but I need to be honest about something.

"you are my home.
and I'll make sure to keep coming home."

it's okay to be ashamed.
By Venty Indah UtamiEarlier, I had blogwalkings to some of my favourite bloggers (and friends). I see all the contents they had been writing, and all what happened to me is........

the ugly truth.
By Venty Indah UtamiWhen you are getting older, your circle will be getting smaller. You will find those people you would be proud to call 'best friends', and those who you would be satisfied only with 'acquaintance'. And you'll be fine with that, because you eventually understand that you do not need everyone to be your friend.

growing stronger
By Venty Indah UtamiThis week has been tough.

happy birthday, you :)
By Venty Indah UtamiToday is his birthday. And am really sad for not being able to be with him in his special day due to some reasons.

By Venty Indah UtamiTime is getting by too fast. And sometimes I am worried about that.

god, i am blessed.
By Venty Indah UtamiI know I should sleep now cause it is almost midnite. But I can't.

hey, self.
By Venty Indah UtamiHey, self.
Happy birthday. You are turning 23 today.
Hey, self.

By Venty Indah UtamiThere's always be excuse for love.
"Love is the best reason to compensate."

hello, 2016!
By Venty Indah UtamiThis is gonna be my first post in 2016, and even though I am late for one day since the new year eve, unfortunately this post is gonna be short.