Archive for January 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016 0

god, i am blessed.

By Venty Indah Utami

I know I should sleep now cause it is almost midnite. But I can't.

I just can't.

For me, January 15th is magical.
In this day, I suddenly realize how blessed I am, how God loves me the way I am.
What have I been done for having those best people in the world?
My family, my lover, my best friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2016 0

hey, self.

By Venty Indah Utami

Hey, self. 
Happy birthday. You are turning 23 today.

You have lived for 23 years in this amazing world, what a blessed life you have. Imagine all the good 8395 days you had (approximately, haven't counted all the leap years too), and imagine you still got countless great days ahead as well.

Wow. You are blessed.

Hey, self.
What have you done in these 23 years?
Have you done something great for yourself, your fams, your friends, and those who matter?
Have you done something that would make them grin from ear to ear whenever they hear your name and proudly say that they are parts of your life?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 0


By Venty Indah Utami

There's always be excuse for love.

Diambil dari novel Supernova karya Dee Lestari, ada satu quote yang menurutku sangat jujur dan mengena.

"Love is the best reason to compensate."

Pas baca itu, what comes to my mind is,
"Hell yeah. It is freakin true."

Saturday, January 2, 2016 0

hello, 2016!

By Venty Indah Utami

This is gonna be my first post in 2016, and even though I am late for one day since the new year eve, unfortunately this post is gonna be short.

Actually, I am still in my exam-period, and aw-shucks-this-is-sucks. Yes, I mean it.
It has been almost three weeks since I start this 'hell', and I haven't finished yet. I passed through all the euphoria of new year by memorizing all the principles, laws, and theories.
Lucky me since I still got companies for doing some crazy things together in the last hours to 2016, at least I was saved from 'gabut' in new year. Haha.

Happy new year, anyway!

Hope this year will be a great year for me and all of you (trust me, I pray wholeheartedly).
Honestly, due to all the exams and papers, I have no time to make any resolution "new-year-new-me-shit". Hahaha. I just hope everything will go smoothly, and I can live my life simply yet happily.

And yes, I hope I can still write a lot this year.

Talk to you later :)

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